VETERANKLUBBEN ALFA: Bildarkiv: Ledningssystem Bild: 70309002

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ATC-system SEROS för Belgiska Air Force hanterade koordination mellan militärt och civilt flyg i Belgien. The central equipment consists of a Censor 932 computer with a dual display backup equipment. The computer has an intenal store of 32 K words and external disk and magnetic tape stores. Each display back-up equipment has a multiaccess store of 8 K words. Each of the working positions is equipped with a 16" display, an alfanumeric display, Taboskop and input devices. A Taboskop consists of the display part af an Alfaskop. There is also a Flight Data Section, FDS, equipped with Alfaskop displays terminals.

Senast ändrad: 2011-02-01